.............unleash yourself from within
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Hey Beautiful, I'm so glad you are here! 
Happy healing and Soul growth is what I am all about.
I know you're tired of the way things have been going and the truth is you need to do some deep inner work to shift those patterns so you don't slide back into bad habits and unfulfilling relationships because you deserve more than that and we need you living from your authentic magic!
Join me in The True Light Program for 1:1 healing and massive growth.
Together we transmute your struggles into love and get you the tools and inspiration to keep you moving forward with grace!

Meiyan, xo

Let's dig in!

Reclaim Your Power & Live A Soul Aligned Life

We start by going back through your childhood, healing the wounds, untangling the shame & limiting beliefs, building your self-love & faith and firmly aligning you with your vision.

Learn about the program

Client Love:  "Meiyan is your Fairy Godmother. She truly works miracles, but not in the way I was expecting.  I wanted someone to fix me and give me all the answers.  While all those things have happened, it wasn't that she waved her magic wand and made it all go poof! Rather she made me realize my own magic and my innate ability to make all the shifts I was so desperate for".  ~ Kerri from Boston.

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A More Joyful & Balanced Life Awaits

Check out my PODCAST to hear from other women I have worked with to be inspired!

Listen to the Podcast

Client Love:  "What began as a goal of removing alcohol from my life quickly turned into a profound spiritual journey of self reflection and discovery.  In her own beautifully kind, no nonsense way, Meiyan supported me to excavate the hidden motives behind my actions and create a path to allow my most focused, authentic life to flourish.  From the bottom of my heart, thank you Meiyan". - Kristie from Victoria.